Combating Desertification in Kenya: Emerging Lessons from …
2013年8月15日 · Combating Desertification in Kenya: Emerging Lessons from Empowering Local Communities August 15, 2013 The Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) constitute about 80% (467,200 sq. km) of Kenya’s total land mass and is grouped into geographical zones including the Savannah covering most of the North- eastern and South-eastern parts, the Coastal ...
Kenya: Land Use Mess at the Heart of Unfolding Desertification
2024年1月19日 · He explained that Kenya’s is a typical case of steady desertification occasioned by a lack of land use structures. In addition to degraded forest ecosystems, he demonstrated how destruction of dryland ecosystems was contributing further to drier conditions.
Combating Desertification in Kenya. Emerging Lessons from …
2015年12月1日 · This publication presents six case studies of Community-Based Organizations supported by UNDP Kenya in the context of the commemorations of the World Day to Combat Desertification in Kenya.
the dangers of desertification. The day is also used as an opportunity to inform the local and international community about the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa. The General Assembly resolution on the observance
Over 80% of Kenya’s total land area is classified as arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) and is con-sidered being at risk of desertification. The ASAL region is home to about 30% of Kenya’s human and 50% of its livestock population. 90% of the total meat consumed in the country comes from the ASAL (GoK 2010).
In Kenya, land degradation manifests itself in many ways, including: unsustainable loss of vegetation and landscape functions; increasing incidences of aridity; increasing scarcity of water sources; shrubs in areas which were predominantly rich in pastures; gullies, thin and
DRIC: against desertification in Kenya | E4Impact
The fusion of traditional and innovative practices to expand economic opportunities, combined with local capacity building, show that it is possible to address the challenges posed by desertification and drought through innovation, cooperation, and an ongoing commitment to sustainable development.
Combating Desertification in Kenya | SpringerLink
2013年1月1日 · Desertification is a major environmental and socio-economic problem, affecting about 80 % of Kenya. A total of 7–10 million inhabitants residing in this area suffer from widespread acute poverty and other adverse effects of drought.
degradation – desertification and bio-diversity loss. The root cause of the country’s vulnerability to drought is in its dependence on rainfall for its economic and social development.
Combating Desertification through Enhancement of Woody …
2021年11月11日 · This review demonstrated the role of research and development in availing afforestation technologies in drylands to increase biodiversity and avert advancement of desertification in Kenya.