List of Lithuanian gods and mythological figures - Wikipedia
The list of Lithuanian gods is based on scarce written sources and late folklore. Many of them were outright invented . Lithuania converted to Christianity in 1387, but elements of Lithuanian mythology survived into the 19th century.
Lithuanian mythology - Wikipedia
Lithuanian mythology (Lithuanian: Lietuvių mitologija) is the mythology of Lithuanian polytheism, the religion of pre-Christian Lithuanians. Like other Indo-Europeans, ancient Lithuanians maintained a polytheistic mythology and religious structure.
Gods of Lithuania: Exploring Ancient Baltic Deities
In Lithuanian mythology, the pantheon consists of various gods and goddesses with unique attributes and functions. Dievas, the supreme god, played a significant role alongside other important deities like Perkūnas, the thunder god, and Saulė, the sun goddess.
Lithuanian mythology and folklore | True Lithuania
Jan 7, 2022 · Nevertheless, some Lithuanian pagan gods are well known. Perkūnas (literally Thunder) is the prime god, punishing with his mighty force (lightning). Nearly every major natural phenomenon was considered to be a god or goddess in the Baltic pagan faith, among them Sun (female) and Moon (male), the parents of Earth.
Lithuanian Mythology - Gods and Monsters
Major Gods. At the helm of the Lithuanian pantheon is Dievas, the sky god and supreme deity, comparable to Zeus in Greek mythology. He embodies the celestial realm and governs the natural order. Below him is Perkūnas, the god of thunder, one of the most prominent figures in Lithuanian mythology. Perkūnas, often associated with the oak tree ...
About: List of Lithuanian gods and mythological figures
Voici une liste de dieux et divinités lituaniennes. * Praamžius, le dieu créateur, « celui qui fut avant tous les siècles ». * Patrimpas : Dans la mythologie lituanienne, dieu des eaux et des mers. Il est le premier dieu dans la mythologie lituanienne et le plus important, l'eau étant la …
Lithuanian gods and goddesses (English) – lietuviais.lt
Lithuanian mythology includes gods and goddesses. The Lithuanians believed in a pantheon of deities who governed various aspects of life and nature. Here are some examples: Perkūnas – The god of thunder and lightning, associated with strength, protection, and fertility.