Magma ocean - Wikipedia
Full volcanic planet, magma ocean in surface. Magma oceans are vast fields of surface magma that exist during periods of a planet's or some natural satellite's accretion when the celestial body is completely or partly molten. [1] In the early Solar System, magma oceans were formed by the melting of planetesimals and planetary impacts. [1]
How Earth's Hidden Magma Ocean Formed - Live Science
2015年11月23日 · Knowing how Earth's magma oceans evolved over time could shed light on when the plate tectonics — the shifting of the rocky slabs that make up the planet and underlie earthquakes and volcanoes —...
Magma oceans - Geodynamics
2018年6月22日 · What?! A magma ocean? That’s right, a magma ocean. Think of it as a body of magma, consisting of a mixture of molten or partially-molten rock, volatiles (dissolved gas and gas bubbles) and solids (suspended crystals).
Terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon | Nature Geoscience
2019年4月29日 · Here we propose that a giant, solid impactor hit the proto-Earth while it was covered with a magma ocean, under the conventional collision conditions. We perform density-independent smoothed...
Magma Oceans - SpringerLink
2022年12月20日 · A magma ocean is a layer of molten rocks of approximately uniform depth that behaves rheologically as a liquid, is globally distributed, and makes up a substantial volume fraction of a planetary body (e.g., Taylor and Norman 1992; Tonks and Melosh 1993). Smaller, more localized magma bodies may also be referred to as magma ponds.
How Earth’s Hidden Magma Sea Created - Science Atlas
2021年11月19日 · The rotation of the newborn Earth may have helped to control the evolution of a giant magma ocean sitting on top of its core, researchers say. Knowing how Earth’s magma oceans evolved over time could shed light on when the plate tectonics— the shifting of the rocky slabs that make up the planet and underlie earthquakes and volcanoes ...
Mysteries of the Earth: How Fast Did Ancient Magma Ocean
2023年3月2日 · Researchers have discovered that Earth’s early magma ocean cooled in under two million years, driven by its low viscosity. During the early stages of Earth's formation, a massive ocean of molten rock known as a "magma ocean" blanketed the planet's surface and penetrated deep into its core.
On the cooling of a deep terrestrial magma ocean - ScienceDirect
2016年8月15日 · We monitor the thermal and melt fraction evolutions of a cooling magma ocean. We integrate recent and strong experimental constraints from mineral physics. The solidification of the molten mantle occurs from the bottom up. The magma ocean lifetime is …
Earth’s early magma oceans detected in 3.7 billion
2021年3月12日 · During our planet’s first 50 million years, around 4.5 billion years ago, its surface was a hellscape of magma oceans, bubbling and belching with heat from Earth’s interior.
Magma oceans as a critical stage in the tectonic development of rocky ...
2018年10月1日 · In this paper, we review some of the ways in which magma ocean models for the Earth, Moon and Mars match present-day observations of mantle reservoirs, internal structure and primordial crusts, and then we present new calculations for the oxidation state of the mantle produced during the magma ocean phase.