Sandia Software Portal | Sandia National Laboratory Software …
Welcome to the Sandia National Laboratories software portal — a hub for our GitHub-hosted open source projects. Our full catalog of 773 repositories is updated regularly as repositories are added or modified.
Sandia Analysis Workbench – Sandia National Laboratories
The Sandia Analysis Workbench (SAW) is a family of software applications that boost productivity and quality by making modeling and simulation easier while enforcing best practices and supporting ubiquitous V&V. Capabilities include workflow management, model building, job submission, requirements tracking, and simulation data management.
Modeling and Simulation Tools – Sandia National Laboratories
A leader in global security for more than 75 years, Sandia National Laboratories offers modeling and simulation (mod/sim) tools that help improve physical security through innovative physical protection system design assessment, operation, and training. Scribe3D. Scenario-Based Visualizations. Next-generation qualitative analysis tool.
Software - Center for Computing Research (CCR)
Current software projects focus on enabling technologies for scientific computing in areas such as machine learning, graph algorithms, cognitive modeling, visualization, optimization, large-scale multi-physics simulation, HPC miniapplications, HPC system simulation and HPC system software. CIME is the Common Infrastructure for Modelling the Earth.
PathTrace – Modeling and Simulation Tools
To address these needs, Sandia National Laboratories developed PathTrace, a quantitative analysis modeling and simulation tool that uses established algorithms to identify system vulnerabilities. Identifies the most vulnerable, quickest, and stealthiest paths using established algorithms to determine system vulnerabilities.
Explore - Sandia Software Portal
Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525.
Data & Software – Sandia Energy
The software helps to find optimal array designs that minimize the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and identify cost drivers, allowing the industry to capably progress towards economic viability. DTOcean v1.0 software was developed in collaboration with a large consortium of European partners.
GitHub - sandialabs/sandialabs.github.io
Welcome to the Sandia National Laboratories software portal! The purpose of this software portal is to serve as a hub for open source software that is produced by Sandia National Labs. Before you begin, make sure you have working installs of Git, Ruby, and Bundler https://bundler.io/ You will need these tools for development.
Download Software – Modeling and Simulation Tools
If you would like to begin the process to access any of the Sandia National Laboratories modeling and simulation software, please use the Request a License form.
About the Sandia Software Portal
Welcome to the Sandia National Laboratories software portal—a hub for GitHub-hosted open source software produced at the Lab. Members of Sandia’s workforce can access detailed information about Sandia’s open source software policies on the Sandia internal network. Follow us on Twitter for up-to-date information about the latest developments!