  1. History

    Until the development of SLR, all cameras with viewfinders had two optical light paths: one through the lens to the fi… 展开

    Single-lens reflex camera - Wikipedia

    • A single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is a camera that typically uses a mirror and prism system (hence "reflex" from the mirror's reflection) that permits the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what will be captured. With twin lens reflex and rangefinder cameras, the viewed image could be significantly different from the final image. When the s… 展开

    Digital SLRs

    Canon, Nikon and Pentax have all developed digital SLR cameras (DSLRs) using the same lens mounts as on their respective film SLR cameras. Konica Minolta did the same, and after having bought Konica M… 展开

    Optical components

    A cross-section (or 'side-view') of the optical components of a typical SLR camera shows how the light passes through the lens assembly, is reflected by the mirror placed at a 45-degree angle, and is projected on t… 展开

    Shutter mechanisms

    Almost all contemporary SLRs use a focal-plane shutter located in front of the film plane, which prevents the light from reaching the film even if the lens is removed, except when the shutter is actually release… 展开

    Further developments

    Since the technology became widespread in the 1970s, SLRs have become the main photographic instrument used by dedicated amateur photographers and professionals. Some photographers of static subjects (such as architec… 展开

    Film formats

    Early SLRs were built for large format photography, but this film format has largely lost favor among professional photographers. SLR film-based cameras have been produced for most film formats as well as for digita… 展开

    Common features

    Other features found on many SLR cameras include through-the-lens (TTL) metering and sophisticated flash control referred to as "dedicated electronic flash". In a dedicated system, once the dedicated electronic flash i… 展开

  1. 单镜头反光相机 - 百度百科

  2. 零基础,一篇读懂单反和微单 | 2023新版 - 知乎

  3. 2024年单反/微单相机推荐,选单反还是微单?尼康、富士、索尼 …

  4. 单镜反光相机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

  5. 单反相机(一种照相机种类)_百度百科

    数码单反相机就是单镜头反光数码照相机,英文缩写是SLR(Single Lens Reflex),该技术就是在胶片平面的前面以45°角安装了一片反光镜,反光镜的上方依次有毛玻璃、五棱镜、目镜等,五棱 …

  6. 单反相机为什么叫单反,和无反相机的区别 …

    单反相机是单镜头反光式取景照相机的简称,英文为Single Lens Reflex Camera,缩写为SLR camera,被以“单反”二字命名是因为其使用单一镜头作为取景、曝光的光源通道,光线通过此镜 …

  7. Digital single-lens reflex camera - Wikipedia

    A digital single-lens reflex camera (digital SLR or DSLR) is a digital camera that combines the optics and mechanisms of a single-lens reflex camera with a solid-state image sensor and …

  8. 单反镜头 - 百度百科

  9. 单反相机基本结构 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏